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Fall Colors and Celebrating Art

This season I am focused on my newest paint style and themed pieces that celebrate your home and collections you treasure! It is appropriately titled “At Home.” Recently I was asked to step out of my introverted-self to be interviewed by David Schroeder for a talk called “Expose Yourself To Art” representing artists from the “Central California Art Association.” I immediately said no, paused and thought; why not! We talked about life as an artist, my art journey, teaching studio and the challenges faced. Interview:

The Crickets Hope, by Cindy Schnider in November.

This event close to my heart as it helps our local children coming out of tough times, an unstable home life, and/or a devastating emotional and personal loss. Crickets Hope offers a safe place for these children to learn, create and experience hope. Artist’s are asked to create works inspired by a child’s art they each created in their program. This year I created from three paintings. By purchasing one of these paintings it will bring beauty to your walls and send hope to a child. Money raised will benefit each child for 2021.

Along with creating for Crickets Hope event, I am also participating in my own an art show with five of my art friends from The Artist’s Loft; James Horning, Sarah Aaronson, Vicki-Van Dallas, Heidi Kinzie and Erin Sweeney. We titled the show: “Artelier Group Show” As a group we share our passion for creating art in our unique styles. We welcome our collectors, friends and family to join us! We began creating for this show at the beginning of 2020. Our hope is you find an art piece to treasure, bring you joy, inspire and make a space beautiful. link for tickets:

I am looking forward to seeing you at: THE ARTELER SHOW

Nicole Slater

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